Tuesday, November 02, 2010

1456 - Saw VII (3D)

First off, I hate that this film is technically called Saw 3D. What a stupid name for a franchised film. Personally, I could give a shit about 3D - I don't believe that it actually adds much of anything to the art of storytelling. It's just a gimmick and if I'm wrong, well... I don't know - but I don't really care for it.
I'm a fan of this series despite everything. I'm not a torture porn guy, and I don't think that this series is that - although perhaps I'm just completely desensitized. There is an ongoing narrative and greater story at play and this (final?) installment goes a great distance towards filling in most, if not all, of the gaps. I particularly enjoyed how they finally let us know what happened to Dr. Gordon - and it was along the lines of what I thought happened to the poor guy.
I won't say too much more as to not spoil (except to say I enjoyed seeing my buddy Carlos Diaz in the film! woot woot!). If you like these films you're going to really love this installment, and if you don't give a shit then it won't matter to you.

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