Friday, November 05, 2010

The Walking Dead - Vol 1: Days Gone Bye

I bought the entire run (thus far) of this series in one shot because I'd heard so much good stuff about it - and now that they're starting to air the TV series I figured that I really needed to get in gear and start reading it - but I needed to finish Sandman first.
First off, this book just flew by. It's the kind of reading where, if like me you read in transit, suddenly time has disappeared and you almost miss your stop. The books themselves aren't super huge, but regardless it just flies. I'm going to burn through this far too quickly (not that it's a bad thing given how large my reading pile is these days).
I loved this. The characters get established quickly and effectively. You give a shit about these people. Kirkman does a really great job of putting you in their position, seeing the world the way they do, and wondering what the hell you would do in that situation. This is just the beginning of what promise to be an epic story and I can't wait to keep reading - and now that I'm through this I think it's safe to watch at least the first episode of the series. Can't wait for more - I'm a fan!

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