Sunday, January 16, 2011

1498 - Nights and Weekends

So I think it's pretty official that I have a crush on Greta Gerwig.  She's absolutely adorable in the right moments, and then in others she's absolutely frustrating.  She's a real woman in every sense of the world.  This film is about a long distance relationship in two parts.  The first part whilst it is going on, the second a year after the break up.  I don't think you appreciate just how fine the acting in this film is until the second half of the film.  In the first half it's what you'd expect, these people are excited to see each other - gitty even.  And they have expectations for their weekend together, and when it's not perfect they get upset and annoyed the way that a real couple would.  And then, a year later, when they reunite it's extremely and wonderfully awkward, and lord does it feel real.  If you've ever reunited with someone you had an intense relationship then you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Both Gerwig and Swanberg are fantastic, but Gerwig is fearless here.  She doesn't care if she's unlikable, or if she's silly, or whatever.  Every moment that she's on screen is honest and wonderful.  This film was a delightful surprise and I highly recommend it to any one who likes smart, honest films about relationships and people.
Nights and Weekends

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