Friday, January 28, 2011

1509 - Public Enemies

I went through a wave, as I'm sure most young men do, where I was really into films about criminals - they were cool, right?  Guns, clever dialogue, etc...  I still enjoy them but they aren't the type that I automatically drift towards unless they have another element to them.  The idea of watching Johnny Depp play Dillenger was pretty appetizing.
I have to say that I found this film to be... bizarre.  First the look.  I'm by no means against digital photography, hell that's what I've used mostly and will probably use exclusively, but here it just doesn't fit.  At times it feels like a student film or a made for T.V. movie.  It just doesn't look right a whole lot of the time.  Sometimes it's just the image and it's clarity, but a lot of time it's just a really bizarre shot selection.  Not the kind of thing you'd expect from a filmmaker like Michael Mann.
This film didn't really do anything towards making me care about the character of Dillenger.  It was more or less just presenting the facts, kind of cold and emotionless. 
Unless you're super interested in Dillenger (and I recommend his wikipedia page over this film) then I'm not sure I can really recommend this film.  Sorry, Michael Mann.  Not your best work.  It has some moments here and there but they are few and far between and just nothing overly exciting or interesting happens. 
Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-34   Public Enemies (Single-Disc Edition)  Public Enemies (Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

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