Monday, January 17, 2011

The First 1500

So you've probably noticed my numbering scheme in front of reviews for films and television shows.  When I was in my last year of film school I decided to start a film journal wherein I would write my thoughts on what I was watching as a way to make me think more about the things I was ingesting.  If you look back to the first entrees of this blog I started to scan them in, but then gave up the effort.  Then in the early 1000's I decided to start keeping up with the journal AND writing here on the blog.  And now, nearly 500 entrees of double-dipping later I'm finding that it's just too much damn work, that and I'm half-assing it in my journal.  So while it won't affect this blog, I've decided to give up the journal.  I'm going to keep it up in another way - more working out my own thoughts and issues with being a filmmaker and getting films made, working in the industry - stuff too personal to ever post here. 
So hopefully you've enjoyed my first 1500 entrees (or at least the near 500 that are posted here) and will enjoy the rest just as much.  I'm trying to think up other things I can add here besides just the reviews and the interviews.  I'll do my best to keep you loyal readers entertained - if you have any suggestions feel free to fire them away!

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