Tuesday, February 08, 2011

1517 - The Box

I have to say that I'm not really on the Richard Kelly bandwagon.  I need to re-watch Donnie Darko as I barely recall it, especially not why people are so fascinated by it.  And I don't think I got through much of Southland Tales before turning it off.  And then there is this film.  
It's got a great premise.  A couple is offered a million dollars and all they have to do is push a button - however if they push the button then someone that they don't know will die.  Brilliant - it's a morality tale!  Except... it's not really.  It's about more than that, and yet it's not at all.  
Diaz is at her most unlikable.  She plays a twit from the suburbs who we're supposed to feel sorry for because she spends beyond her means - her husband drives a fashionable corvette - so when the premise comes up I don't buy that these people really NEED this money.  So therefore, it's not really a hard choice.  And there lies the foundations of a film that could have been quite interesting, but fails on the base level because we simply don't care about the people involved. 
This film was just… creepy, melodramatic in an annoying way.  It's like Kelly was trying to channel Kubrick in style and tone, but it just comes off as oddly pretentious.  I really don't like bagging on other people's work, but I have to be honest, at this point (outside of revising Darko) I think it would take a pretty amazing premise for me to want to check out any upcoming Richard Kelly films...

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