Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reasons to Live

 I first came to discover Amy Hempel through reading and reading about Chuck Palahniuk.  As many people of my generation who marveled at Fight Club the film it wasn't long before we dove into the source material and everything that was Palahniuk.  I've got some pretty specific thoughts on him, but this isn't the place for that - I've got his newest book in my stack of things to read, so I'll get to him there. 
When I first heard about Amy it was about how much her writing (in a positive way) was devastating.  And so like I do with anything, I sought out to buy everything she'd done.  At that time she'd had three books come out and one of them was extremely rare.  Picked them up, and I've read them in bits and pieces over the years - and then when her newest book came out a few years back I did the same with it.  But there was almost the mysterious hard-to-find other volume.  So when the collection of her work was published I picked it up even though I already owned 75% of it.  That's just the kind of guy I am.
So now that I'm trying to be more disciplined about reading I added Amy's books to my stack, and I'm going to read them all back to back, starting with this lovely collection. 
Like I'd mentioned, I've read some of this prior, but it was nice to revisit the volume as a whole.  I can't say that I noticed any grand arching theme (apologies if I was meant to).  I find Amy's writing interesting in that I'm either super engrossed, or I'm a little 'meh'.  Not about the writing - never about the writing.  The woman can spin a phrase to knock you on your ass with emotions.  I find that some  of the subject matter just doesn't interest me and so I don't always connect to the story she's telling.  Needless to say, they aren't all 'for me', but the ones that are, the ones that I connect with, I connect with every inch of my core.  Like advertised, she'll make you laugh in one moment and then devastate you the next with phrases like, "Here's a trick I found for how to finally get some sleep.  I seep in my husband's bed.  That way the empty bed I look at is my own. ...  I had my own bed.  I slept in it alone, except for those times when we needed - not sex - but sex was how we got there."
If you're a writer of any kind you'd be remiss not to pick up the collection of Amy's work, especially considering how affordable it is.  Stay tuned for my thoughts on the other three volumes - the next is At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom, and it's the volume that I could not find a copy of no matter how hard I tried.  Words cannot express how delighted I am to finally dive into it.
Reasons to Live  The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel  The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel

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