Tuesday, April 05, 2011

1543 - Nurse Jackie: season two

We devoured this season, as is the case when you find a show this good and are late to the game.  Now, of course, we'll have to wait a week between installments (once we catch up, that is).
This season went by in such a wonderful blur.  Losing the character Mohammad seemed like an odd choice, especially since he was more or less replaced by Sam - although Sam does offer a more interesting dynamic so I'll let that one go.  Zoie continued to be one of my favorite characters, and all the others shone as well.  I don't want to get into each one because I'd rather you just discover them yourselves.
This season was all about Jackie spiraling downward.  It's final episode had a perfect quote as someone told her, "Any one who knows you knows that they don't know you."  Jackie is a really wonderfully complex character and it's nice to start to see the cracks show.  Given the mess that's left at the end of this season I'm very curious where the show is headed - but more excited than anything.  If you're like me and late to this series, there is no time like the present to catch up!  You'll just wish there were more episodes to catch up on.
Nurse Jackie: Season Two  Nurse Jackie: Season Two [Blu-ray]

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