Friday, April 29, 2011

The Office: Goodbye, Michael

I don't write reviews on individual episodes, but I want to make an exception in this case, and as such I'm going to tell you up front that this will probably be VERY SPOILER HEAVY and so if you haven't seen it and don't want it spoilt - simple - don't read.

Many people have commented that this season feels like (and quite frankly is) the Michael Scott Farewell Tour.  It was announced pretty early on that it would be the last season with the character and I wonder if that wasn't a big mistake.  I wonder if it wasn't a marketing trick to get people back to the show that had left.  Personally I would have rather seen it unfold in real time - to learn, as the other characters did, that Michael was leaving.  The whole time we would have thought that something will happen to keep him there - never being able to believe that he'd actually walk away.  I really liked this episode and I'd be lying if I didn't admit to feeling a bit weepy  during a sequence between Michael and Jim.  As the season has been extremely Michael heavy the other characters have disappeared into the background and Jim was one of them - as a character that's had some of the best moments of the entire series, this one was easily added to them. 

I think that the strongest testament to this episode and how it showed how Michael has grown as a character is having him decide to not let everyone know he's leaving a day early - deciding to not have people make a fuss about him.  The Michael from season one never would have done that.  Michael's character has always been on a quest for a family, and now that he's going to have an actual one with Holly (yippee!!!!!!) he doesn't need The Office anymore - he's out grown it.  What will happen in his place?  I have no idea - but I'll stick around.  The Office has done a really good job of finding ways to keep it fresh in the last season or so - by having the company sold to another corporation, and thereby bringing in a few new characters, bringing Daryl up to the main floor, bringing in Erin (who is a great great great addition) I think that this show has given itself new life for some time.  It'll be interesting to see how far it can go with whatever direction they're heading...

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