Friday, April 01, 2011

Wipeout Canada - starts April 3rd!

For those who don't know, in addition to my film work, my main bread and butter is as working as an editor, and for the last several months I've been working on the upcoming Wipeout Canada.

For those familiar with the series you're in for a real treat.  For those who aren't - hit YouTube - they have full episodes of other country's versions that are on there to see.  So you can get caught up.  For fans, the first thing you'll notice about our edition is that we're working with the "first season" course - but don't think for a second that means that we're the typical Canadian counterpart.  I honestly believe that we've learned from the other editions of this show and created the best version of Wipeout possible.  It's got great energy, great contestants, and the best hosts that this series has ever had.  I've always liked the US's hosts, but they've always been a bit awkward to me, not in a good way.  Our hosts - Jonathon Torrens, Ennis Esmer, and Jessica Phillips are the exact kind of people you want guiding you through a show like this. 

So starting this Sunday (April 3rd) at 8pm on TVTropolis the episodes will start airing - and this first episode in particular is one that I personally worked on a lot, and I'm quite proud of.  And if you stick around until the Dizzy Dummy round you'll even get a cameo from me in way of my voice.  You'll probably hear me pop up in future episodes as well.  Feel free to throw popcorn at the screen.

So check it out - it's airing all across our fine country - looking forward to your thoughts!!!

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