Friday, May 27, 2011

Liar's Kiss

Another selection from TCAF.  I'm quite proud of myself to actually be reading recent purchases.  And just as I'm making a really decent dent in my reading stack people keep throwing me loaners and recommendations.  What's a guy to do!  Luckily I take public transit to and from work and so I rack up an hour or so of reading time a day at the least.  It's not hard to tell what kind of book this is going to be by looking at the cover and title.  Eric Skillman, the author, is also an artist and responsible for a lot of the Criterion Collection's covers.  And, surprisingly, one of my biggest complaints about the book is that I'm not really that big on the art work.  And coming from me, that's something, since I usually don't really comment too much about the art (I'm a story guy - not to say I don't appreciate the art in comics).  I think what made it even worse was that whenever the book veered into flashbacks it took on a variation of the style that I REALLY liked and wished the whole book had been done like.
It's your typical noir and it's got all the usual suspects you'd expect to see.  I liked it.  It was entertaining.  It kept you guessing, although, to be fair, it's the kind of "twist ending" wherein there was absolutely no way you could figure it out because the author has given you no real clues or leads to go on.  So, that's what keeps this from getting top marks from me.  Otherwise I can give it a soft recommend - it's a pretty quick and breezy read.
Liar's Kiss

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