Sunday, May 22, 2011

Louis Riel

So I'm officially a BIG Chester Brown fan now.  Full disclosure, even though I'm a bit of a history geek and I know a descent amount of this country's history I didn't know a damn thing about Louis Riel or the founding of Manitoba and Western Canada, but now I do - and this book makes me want to read more about it - which I'm sure is part of it's intention.  Brown makes this feel like I'm watching a great film - it's books like these that should become part of the Canadian history curriculum - not only would it actually make kids want to read, but I can only imagine the kind of conversations that it would stir up.  The way that Brown shows the visuals is both simple and elegant at the same time.  There are several moments where he hangs on a framing for dramatic effect, and my does it ever work.  This is the kind of book that I can see myself buying copies of to give away as gifts.  A really great read - and like his other book I read it has an in-depth "notes" section at the end that kind of makes you feel like you're listening to a commentary by the author. 
If you're a history nut then you absolutely, without question, NEED to read this book.
Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography

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