Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Richard Stark's Parker, Vol. 2: The Outfit

The previous installment The Hunter was one of those books that I just couldn't read fast enough, and this was no different.  Darwyn Cooke's artwork is stylish and distinct.  Fits with the story so well and is playful at the same time.  These graphic novels are based on the Parker books by Richard Stark - essentially about a hard-ass criminal.  To quote the slug-line, "If you're going to push Parker around, make sure it's into a grave."  That's just the kind of guy he is.  In the last installment he went after 'The Syndicate' for ripping him off and wanted what he was owed - not a penny more.  Of course he dropped a few bodies getting his money back, and now they've decided to come back at him and that doesn't make Parker very happy.
Reading these makes me want to pick up the novels that they're based on.  The nerd in me loves these old noir stories and I'm sure I'll get around to writing my own one of these days.  Given that there are twenty-four (I think) Parker novels who knows how many Cooke is planning to do of this series, but I'll keep reading them as long as he keeps writing them - and you should to!
Richard Stark's Parker, Vol. 2: The Outfit

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