Tuesday, July 05, 2011

P.E.I.: Day Fourteen

Today was our final full day on The Island and it was supposed to be crap weather, but we were surprised to find it to be absolutely lovely. We spent the morning on the beach and then caught lunch in North Rusticoe near our place. It advertised the "Best Fish & Chips on the North Shore", and if that's true then I don't think I'm interested in eating fish and chips on the north shore. To be fair I prefer the British Style of fish and chips, where the batter is a bit more… fluffy?
After that the sun was still lovely so we headed out for mini-putt (Ephraim's first) and then some gelato (I can only imagine that Ephraim is one of the few two-year-olds that always chooses Pistachio over every other flavour). We learned that Mini-Putt is still a bit advanced for a two year old. We got through 9 of our 18 holes but then he was clearly done.
So a pretty light day all in all, which was nice for us. Tomorrow we have to get our stuff organized and out in the morning, unfortunately our flight doesn't leave till the evening - so pray for good weather for us so we're not stuck in the car or inside buildings all day!

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