Sunday, July 03, 2011

P.E.I.: Day Twelve

The forecast was calling for lovely weather today and we certainly got it!  We were up and on the beach before 9am!  Mostly because we figured it'd be best to hit the beach in the morning as opposed to the hot-hot-sun of the afternoon.  I have extremely fair skin so the sun is not my friend - although I am starting to sport a rare-tan - normally I'm white as a ghost.
So not only did we hit the beach but I even submitted to allowing myself to being buried in the sand.  Of course afterwards I was just covered in the stuff and had no choice but to jump into the salty freezing ocean to get it off.  We have some video but I'll spare you my manly screams!

After the beach Ephraim needed a nap so we took a short roadtrip back to Victoria to get some more of those delicious Island Chocolates.  The selection was a bit smaller today and picked over (no fresh chocolates on the weekends sadly), but I think we got a pretty damn fine selection anyway!

We headed off for lunch to a place that we've been looking forward to for awhile now.  A place called the Kitchen Witch.  Their menu is mexican inspired and the majority of it is vegetarian, which in P.E.I. is a rarity.  That and their advertisement for wholesome, home cooked meals was quite inciting.  When we got there we were really excited - it was a renovated one-room school house, very charming inside with a cute gift-shop full of random things, a bathroom with an actual real change table, and some diapers free to use.  Amazing!  Run by a mother and daughter, as well as another woman who will read your tea leaves should you require (and pay).
But then the problems started.  First they were out of refried beans - which as a vegetarian was our protein for the meal.  Their excuse is that it's homemade… which I don't get.  You feature mexican food and you run out of refried beans?!  Make more!  So that was fine, but then the food took over an hour.  And while I understand home-cooking takes time, an hour is a bit much to wait for lunch.  The soup we got was really tasty and spicy, but our entrees were bland and tasteless, even Ephraim (who eats ANYTHING) spit the food out.  Which was good because as I was trying to get him to eat his rice I noticed something in it.  A large bug.  We told the owner and she was mortified, swearing that this has never happened before.  She asked us if it was fine that she only charged us half, which was fine, but we'd lost our appetites by that point and excused ourselves about as quickly as we could.  Ephraim was given a cookie on the way out, which he told us was very tasty.  We really wanted to love this place, and honestly, if it wasn't for the food being so… bleck, I wouldn't diss the place as I am now, but that in combination with everything else, this was easily our worst meal at a restaurant in P.E.I. 

We drove around this afternoon collecting some stuff from some shops we'd been meaning to hit, and then went home for a rest before hitting the Fisherman's Wharf for my lobster dinner (delicious!).  The trip is quickly winding down, tomorrow the weather looks a little iffy.  We're debating whether or not we're going to attempt to see the Royals, William and Kate while they are here.  We shall see!

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