Sunday, July 10, 2011


I think I saw an article about this book in, of all places, Entertainment Weekly (my sister gives me her leftovers - don't judge).  This is a book about a woman who is kidnapped and made to live in a shed to be used as a sexual slave, gets knocked up by her capture, and raises the child, also locked up with her.  But what's even more interesting is the story starts on the fifth birthday of the child, and the entire thing is from his point-of-view. 
I don't want to say too much because this is one of those books that has so much wonderfulness inside of it that I wouldn't want to ruin a single moment for you.  Having it from the childs point is view is probably the best, and maybe only, way to tell this story and keep it from being completely horrific.  Jack only knows the world of Room, wherein is Bed, Wardrobe, Rug, etc... they are his friends.  You are instantly invested in this story, and even throughout as the story evolves, just when you think that the drama is over, you still remain attached and curious because you're seeing the world through this boy's eyes, and because you're seeing it through his eyes, it's like seeing it all over again for the first time.  Through reading this I kept watching my two-year-old son and trying to imagine him living in a similar situation and it's absolutely heartbreaking (as it should be).  It's the kind of book that lingers with you when you put it down.  Now that's some fine writing.
It's funny, it's charming, it's warm, it's cold, it's the kind of story that makes you give a shit and care.  It's hard to read, and yet the pages turn effortlessly.  Do yourself a favour and check it when you can - you won't be disappointed.


  1. I've had this book sitting on my nightstand for several months, unread, (borrowed from a friend), but wasn't sure on the subject matter. I'll get around to it eventually when I get through the stack I have from the library.

  2. I had the same reservations, but it gripped me from the get-go. I imagine you'll read it very quickly.
