Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life With Mr. Dangerous

Now that I'm through my current stack of library books I can start on the even larger stack of graphic novels that I got from there.  The first is Paul Hornschemeier's Life with Mr. Dangerous.  This was my first experience with Paul's work although it won't be my last.  It's a simple little story of a young woman trying to figure out her place.  Where she belongs.  Who she is.  Not exactly high stakes material, but it's so well drawn (literally and emotionally :) ).  As Patton Oswalt comments ont he back cover, it has it all and it will make you cringe.  A lot.  But in such a lovely way.
I fell in love with this book pretty quickly while reading and will probably give it another look over before I return it.  Chances are I'll hunt it down to purchase as well.  If you like coming of age comics this one is a no brainer.  Check it out.

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