Sunday, February 05, 2012

1689 - Uncle Kent

In the world of D.I.Y. filmmakers Chicago's own Joe Swanberg is one of the most prolific and well known.  If you're got netflix you can easily catch his stuff, or at least some of it.  I have a really hard trying to figure out how I feel about this approach to filmmaking.  While I applaud the "let's just go out and get it done attitude" when a man makes over a half dozen features within a single year you have to wonder how much care and thought he's putting into any single one.
This film is about a forty-year old man who always thought that he had missed the boat for a serious relationship and a family, and by the end of the film wonders if maybe he's been wrong about that.  And that's being generous with that.  These types of film aren't known for hitting you over the head with their storylines and lessons, subtly it putting it vaguely.  At the same time I enjoyed large parts of this film, and just felt like it meandered a bit in the other parts.  While I very much want to try my hand at a film like this, I just don't think that I could pull back as much, and just watch people doing the most mundane of things.  I'll need a little more plot and momentum.
If you like subtle indie flicks, you might dig this - but you're a pure mainstream movie goer chances are that you'll hate a film like this.

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