Friday, May 25, 2012


I got this book for a birthday present some time ago and I can't tell you why it took me so long to get around to it.  I read in spurts, and I'm a much better reader now than I ever was - but I still have a rather large stack of books to get through on my current, ever increasing, pile.
But I'm glad I finally got around to this one!  Like says on the cover, this is by the same man, Christopher Buckley, that brought us the lovely Thank You For Smoking, and this new book even gives us a nice little nod to Nick Naylor in passing.  It's actually a shame that they just didn't make him the mentor character in this book...
This book tells the story of a young woman who is fed up about the idea that her generation is going to have to cover the Social Security of the Baby Boomer generation before her and decides to do something about it.  It's dark, it's funny, and dare I say relevant.  This is a book full of ideas and characters and moves along at a lovely pace, my only complaint is in it's ending.  Or lack there of, I should say.  The story doesn't build to any grand conclusion it more-or-less just... stops.  It's truly bizarre, especially given how well things were ramping up.  This isn't to say that storylines don't get wrapped up to some degree it's just... really unsatisfying.  Almost made me want to change my grading on this to merely "liked", but I have to say that with the exception of the very final pages, the rest of the book was a pure delight.  There is a film in the works and I look forward to it.  If you like poli-comedy or just good solid fun this one comes highly recommended (for the most part).

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