Tuesday, April 09, 2013

1829 - Your Sister's Sister

This film was a lovely little surprise.  I'm a fan of Lynn Shelton, so I was happy to see that this was on Netflix.  I'm a fan of Mark Duplass as well as Emily Blunt and Rosemarie DeWitt.  It's a pretty simple premise - two best friends of the opposite sex are mourning the loss of his brother/her ex, and when he ends up sleeping with her sister they have to deal with their true feelings for one another.  There's a lot more than that going on, but that's the gist.  It's a simple little love story, but with some fantastic acting and really wonderfully honest moments.  I love that Shelton has created this career where she goes and works on series as a director and then comes back and does these wonderfully intimate little pieces.  Well done, her!
See this film - it's a beautiful little character piece and well worth your time!

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