Friday, September 13, 2013

1897 - TIFF - Short Cuts Canada - Programme 2

So full disclosure - this is the programme that I screened in in TIFF this year - and since this is my blog, I'm including a still from my own film about to represent the group.  Sue me :)
Over-all I really enjoyed the flow of the programme, which must be an art in and of itself to do for those in charge.  The program is at one time beautiful, challenging, heartfelt, and hilarious.  I look forward to staying in touch with these filmmakers and see how they grow.  Below, a snapshot on my thoughts on the films in this program:

A Grand Canal - Directed by Johnny Ma
The visual style was quite striking and made it feel like it took place in the 70's.  It's the story of a young man recounting his father's final days.  Based on how the narrative ends you're lead to believe that the filmmaker is telling the story of his own father - but this is just a dramatic device, and sadly I felt like it was a little bit of a cheat when I found that out.  It shouldn't make the film's ending any less satisfying, but for me - somehow it did...

Beasts in the Real World - Directed by Sol Friedman
A delightfully experimental film.  It starts off by putting a camera on the conveyer belt of a sushi restaurant and I was worried that was all the film was going to be - but Sol is good hands to be in as he pushes you around and makes you delight in glee at some morbid stuff, all done with a lovely wink.

Seasick - Directed by Eva Cvijanovic
My joke through-out the festival was that any of the animated filmmakers were infinitely talented than any of the live-action ones - and while that's not true necessarily, I've always been a bit jealous of the skill set.  The animation here is beautiful - the story is all the way secondary, and not really the point.  But lovely all around.

Daybreak - Directed by Ian Lagarde
This film was disturbing in a deliberate and challenging way.  The story of a bunch of asshole kids on the cusp of being adults and figuring out what that means, where you stand, and who your real friends are.  A dark, sad, yet beautiful film.

Noah - Directed by Walter Woodmen & Patrik Cederberg
This might be my favorite of our program.  First off, the idea of having it take place entirely online is timely and satisfying.  I dare say the filmmakers should consider a feature version of this.  I found myself engaged, laughing out loud, rooting for this young stupid kid.  You'll likely be able to see this one on-line - do it!!!

Out - Directed by Jeremy LaLonde
This one is mine.  It's a comedy and people laughed.  Mission accomplished!

Young Galaxy - Directed by James Wilkes
What's it like to live inside of the mild of a child.  The answer is this.  Imagination abounds here, although I have to say that I didn't get a sense of a lesson learned.  It's one thing to put us inside the mind of a child so effortlessly, but the film doesn't answer - why his imagination - why this day, why, why why?  Too many questions and not enough answers, sadly.  Why are we inside of his head on THIS day.  

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