Sunday, September 15, 2013

1907 - Child of God

There's no way to describe this film outside of delightfully fucked-up.  I have no way of explaining why I liked this film, but I really really did.  It follows a backwoods man as he delves into moral depravity and it's so goddamn fascinating.  You don't give the character a pass, but you also don't want to look away - he's so watchable and interesting.  Franco has such a confident eye in this film and knows exactly what he's trying to accomplish.  I can't imagine how on earth you would market this film outside of an art-house crowd, but it's a really solid, interesting film.  Scott Haze is absolutely amazing as the backwoodsman, and commands your attention.
I love that Franco is just all over the map with his projects and doesn't really have anything in particular that defines him.  Good on him, and I can't wait to see what he brings out next.

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