Sunday, September 29, 2013

1913 - Skyfall

I can't say that I'm a big Bond nerd - although I dated a girl whose father was, and so managed to get through his entire collected during that relationship - and I think... I've seen them all... I loved the first Craig outing, was 'meh' on the second, and really really enjoyed this one.  I mean, I like the nerdy stuff like the idea of introducing Moneypenny - especially in such an awesome way - this is the first Bond film that really played into those older versions of it with that, the male M being instated, and the introduction of Q.  Very fun.  
One thing I was never big on when this new version started up was the carrying over of Judi Dench.  I like Dench, it's not about that, but more what it said about the world... and the fact that she exists in the Bronson ones as well.  Is the idea that James Bond is just a code name?  There have been several Bonds?  This film seems to suggest, with the visiting of his childhood home, that there is only one Bond.  But enough about that.
This film was what a Bond film should be, first and foremost, fun.  It had girls, gadgets, and a great villain.  Sign me up for more if this is what we're going to be expecting.  I love that Bond was a true underdog here and didn't really come off like a perfect killing machine.  The story was engaging, the cast was enjoyable.  If you haven't gotten around to seeing it and had any interest whatsoever give it a shot.  I'm up there with the best of the Bonds.

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