Thursday, July 02, 2009

1245 - Definitely, Maybe

I HEART Isla. It's not just cause she's a red-head and TOTALLY my type. It's because there's this energy inside of her. I'd pretty much watch anything just because she's in it. And I'm a big fan of Mr. Ryan Reynolds. I've had my eye on this film for a while as it tells a similar story to something I have in development. Thankfully there's nothing to worry about. Overall, despite the great cast, save one that I just kinda-can't stand (but refuse to mention), this film was just kinda 'meh'. It was like it couldn't pick a tone or decide what it really want to be. And the ending just kind of dragged a bit. Not a horrible film by any means, but not something I think you just HAVE to see. See it if it looks interesting to you, but for my money there's a whole buttload of better rom-coms out there.


  1. Aw, don't be so harsh! ;) I thought it was lovely. It was the first time I saw Ryan Reynolds and I was really skeptical 'cause I imagined he's this sixpack on legs with little to none acting skills. But he's actually really good. Love Isla in this, too. I thought it was romantic. Of course nothing new, really, but I liked it.

    Now, who do you despise? You made me curious. I'll check IMDB and take a guess. Gee, it's either Abigail, Rachel Weisz or Kevin Kline!? What the fuck is wrong with you?! ;)


  2. I don't even remember Kevin Kline being in this... was he really in this? It says so on IMDB. How could I have missed him? Ah, I saw it a long time ago ;)
