Monday, July 06, 2009


Just as a notice for future reference I’ll be titling the entrees about the film with the abbreviation “TUWOPS”.

So after long last I think it’s safe to announce that I’ll be directing my first feature film “The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard” in the very near future. Specific dates are yet to be decided as we move through casting and deal with availability. But it will be sooner rather than later.

So where are we now? Well, in Canada when you make a low-budget film and want to use union actors there’s a process you have to go through to be able to get them at a very low rate. It’s tremendously helpful in terms of your budget, but alas there is the process. It means that the union has to approve of your schedule, budget, etc… In reality it’s all towards helping you and making sure you don’t take advantage of their actors, making sure you can realistically make the film in the time and for the money that you say you can.

So we’ve got two fantastic casting directors standing by and ready to go. We just came from a meeting with the actor’s union and have a week to get a few extra things, and also re-look at our schedule, and then next week we meet again and should hopefully get approved and then we can start the casting process right away, which will dictate when we shoot. I’ll save all that fun stuff for another entry.

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