Tuesday, July 07, 2009

1247 - A Complete History of My Sexual Failures

I saw the trailer for this a while back and forgot about it until I stumbled upon it. Due to it's similarity to the film I have in pre-production right now I had to watch is ASAP. And now I'm relieved since there's quite a few gaping differences. There's some nice stuff here, lovely moments, and some hilarious with brutal honesty. In the end it's just a good film that could have been a great one. As the film moves along you start to understand why his exes dumped him eventually - you kind of want to as an audience member as well. In the end I don't quite feel like he's learned anything or changed in any significant way, and I suppose that's okay, it's a documentary after all - but because of his success (which maybe short-lived) you'd like to think he's earned it.
I think it's definitly worth checking out. Glad I did.

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