Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TUWOPS: Casting Complete!

Yes that's right. We're full cast! There's a particular role that we're waiting until we're in post for the film, anyone whose familiar with the script can probably guess it - the character is only even heard, so there's no need to cast them now.

So here are the final members of our cast...

Pat Mastroianni

Rosemary Radcliffe

Timm Zemanek

Aron Tager

and last but not least.... Paul Lee!

We're moving like wild-fire through pre-production. Yesterday I sat down with our costume designer to get to work on that and we shot some great ideas back and forth. I really can't express what a difference it makes to have people focused purely on these kinds of things. Then my producer and 1st AD sat down with me and we went over the entire schedule looking for things that could go wrong and started making plans.

Other than that I'm meeting up with the leads, partially just to get to know them, but to go over their roles and answer any questions they might have. We're still in the process of locking down some of the locations and the schedule in general. On Thurs I'm meeting with our post online facility just to make sure we're doing everything right so post can go smoothly. I find the more problems I can figure out now, the less I have to worry about during the shoot.

So knock on wood 'cause things are going extremely well!

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