Monday, August 17, 2009

TUWOPS: One Week Till Shooting!

All right, outside of casting it’s been awhile since I’ve done an update. I assume that pre-production stuff is boring to most people, but I’ll fill you in on what’s going on with our last week before we go to camera.

Today we had our first day of tech-scouting. We’ll be doing almost all of the rest of our locations tomorrow, with one or two hold-overs that we’ll see again through-out the week. For those unfamiliar, the tech scout is where the key members of your crew go to all the locations together to start talking about any problems, concerns, etc… For ours we’ve got myself, our producer, director of photography (also representing sound), production designer, art director, set decorator, and last but certainly not least, our first assistant director.

The tech scout is super important moving into our major production meeting this Wed. Our entire crew will be there and we’ll painstakingly go through the entire shoot schedule to troubleshoot anything and everything. When you’re shooting a low budget film, preparation is your best friend.

Thurs of this week is our rehearsal day with the cast, in which we’ll be doing a table read. Again, for those unfamiliar, a table-read is generally done right before the first day of shooting. It’s an opportunity for the cast to meet one another, see who they’ll be playing up against, get a sense of energy, etc… it also gives me a chance to see the scenes with the actors together for the first time, and it gives everyone a refresher of the entire script. Really looking forward to this.

Every day gets us one step closer. Starting next Sunday we begin. I’m going to do my best to provide daily set reports with a fun photo or two. Apologies if I miss a day or two!

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