Saturday, October 03, 2009

1275 - Mamma Mia!

I'm going to keep this brief, because I don't like being a hater - but I hated this film. I really did. I've never seen the musical, so all I knew going in was that they had an awesome cast and ABBA songs. This film was the equivalent to a porno. The thinest storyline possible, existing merely to get us from song to song. It was a showcase at best of the songs, sung poorly, and uninspiringly shot. If you've seen the stage version and loved it - go for it. But I, a self confessed lover of musicals, just didn't find anything to recommend in this. Sorry.


  1. A musical porno? That's a fresh idea. Gotta give them that... I haven't seen it...

  2. I am very pleased to find another person that didn't like this. I could not stand it at all. I felt it did a great injustice to the Broadway show (wonderful by the way).
