Saturday, October 03, 2009

Coolest. Cookie Jar. Ever.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a big movie geek, and if you really know me you know I'm a Woody Allen geek as well. Now if you're a Woody fan then you also know why a cookie jar that looks like a safe is probably the coolest Small Time Crooks memorabilia you could get. So imagine my surprise when on a walk in our neighbor I found this, just sitting on the shelf in a store for practically nothing. I'm not a huge collector of memorabilia, but I love this kind of stuff.

Now, onto the real reason I'm writing about this. The place I found this is called Pegasus and it's at 931 Kingston Road, Toronto, ON (between Main & Victoria Park). I pimp this store out because it's a really awesome store. It's like a community yard sale kind of store. Everything in it is donated and all the profits go towards helping out Adults with Special Needs in the area. And stuff in there is well priced. I got the cookie jar for $6 (there's one just like it on Ebay right now for $30). The store is filled with a little bit of everything - so if you're looking for a fun little store to browse through, or if you've got a bunch of stuff that you're looking to get rid of, please do keep them in mind. They love donations. Now I'm going to try to convince Emily to make some cookies... :)

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