Sunday, December 06, 2009

1290 - Vantage Point

This film was more or less underwhelming. It has a very interesting premise that ends up feeling a bit episodic and over played by about halfway in. Although that's also around the same point that it started to get a lot more interesting.

My main issue with this film is that you never get a clear sense of the 'why' - it seems to be more about clever story telling techniques rather than good story telling in general. If there's a message to be had here I missed it completely. Overall it's just simply 'meh'. Don't bother unless you were super intrigued by the premise. But don't expect the kind of mystery/thriller where you can figure it out along the way. This film is carefully designed so the only way it can come together is if they spoon-feed you the answers at the end - and that they do… all expect why it all happened - apparently that's not as important as the style of the film.

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