Sunday, December 06, 2009

1291 - Eagle Eye

D.J. Caruso makes better films than the advertising or premises would lead you to believe. While this and his previous Disturbia, I suppose, could be billed as popcorn flicks, he's much more than just a popcorn flick director. Here's a guy who knows how to grab you and take you for a ride. I'm in the moment during this entire film, I'm with them. I'm feeling it. He doesn't over plan the sentiment and he doesn't underplay the emotion. He's masterful. The film is far better than it needs to be, which is not meant to be an insult, it just means that with the premise it could have been more over the top, but the film was actually, in a weird way, somewhat relevant and believable. If nothing else, a realistic cautionary tale letting us know that information is sacred and shouldn't be taken advantage of.

It's more than a popcorn flick, I believe, however if that's all you're looking for to watch then it works for that as well. Another great performance from the on-the-rise leading man Shia, as well as a lovely outing for the gorgeous Michelle Monaghan. Check it out if you're at all interested in seeing it.

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