Tuesday, September 07, 2010

1392 - A Serious Man

The Coens always tell stories that are, at the very least, interesting. I don't pretend to know enough about Judaism to get all the jokes and ideas, but this film was entertaining from beginning to end. The irony is a lot of people online say, "but what was the film about?". I think truth is that it's about trying to figure out what things are about.
Bad things happen to good people and vice versa - it's whether we pick up and continue or not that decides who we are as a person.
The performances from relatively unknowns, were extremely entertaining and enjoyable. Despte my tremendouse respect for the Coens, I've been a bit hit and miss with them latetly. I think that, in a broad sense, they amuse themselves first and the audience second, or worse, they amuse themselves for the sake of the audience.
If you like the Coens and/or you know a fair amout about Judaism then this is probably the flick for you!

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