Wednesday, September 08, 2010

1393 - Gerry

I have got a stack of films on my desk that is embarrassingly high. I have a bad habit of going on sprees where I buy a shitload of films, and they never get watched. So now I've taken to making a stack of films I own that I haven't watched, and I'm not allowed to watch anything else until I get through the stack. I picked this up back in the winter when the Blockbuster on Spadina closed down. I knew what I was going into when I watched this film, in fact I think I was expecting a little bit more Samuel Beckett. It's gorgeous, for sure. And Damon and Affleck carry the entire thing well. There are some wonderful stand out sequences, including one with Affleck stuck up on a rock. It's easy to look at this and say that nothing happens, but it's enjoyable nonetheless. I have my theories about the ending, but I won't spoil anything here. If you like films that are a bit non-traditional you'll probably enjoy this one, otherwise you might want to avoid it.

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