Sunday, June 26, 2011

P.E.I.: Day Five

There they are - the P.E.I. chocolate covered potato chips!  Apparently so popular that an extra facility was needed just to keep up with the demand.  How were they?  Well, they're the kind of thing that you only need a few of, that's for sure.  The chocolate is pretty rich, the chips pretty greasy, so put together it's not the kind of thing you want to make part of your every day snacking, but it's a unique little treat.

So today was pretty uneventful, in a good way.  We went to a open tank fish museum in Stanley Bridge this morning, and I'll be the first to admit, I assumed it was going to be a little lame, especially based on the outside.  I take it back, it was really cool.  First off they have some of the funkiest fish I've ever seen, and what's even cooler is that they're all indigenous to the area.  Another room filled with stuffed birds, hundreds and hundreds of all species and types.  If there is a bird missing in that collection I would be absolutely amazed - it was pretty damn impressive.  The touch tank aspect was a little underwhelming, consisting mostly of starfish and clams.  Older kids would probably get a lot more out of it as there was a LOT of information.  For example, did you know that oysters change sex several times through-out their lives, and that they mate with one another by essentially spitting at each other and their sperm and eggs meet and mix in the middle.  No touching whatsoever.  And Walrus' were indigenous (word of the day!) to P.E.I. until the poachers made them extinct here.  Sucks, right?

The plan was to hit a kids music concert featuring Mike Pendergast (a P.E.I. musician superstar - seriously you can't go anywhere in this province musically without his name coming up.  He's everywhere (that's a good thing!).  But Ephraim ended up having an actual decent nap for once and so we missed it.  Instead we wandered over to the Cavindish Beach to collect more shells and whatnot.  The water was nowhere warm enough to go near, and despite the clouds it was nice weather, so we built sand castles, dug ditches and played Ring-Around-The-Rosie in the sand.  Special thanks to the guy who decided to sit a few feet over from us and smoke so that it kept hitting us in the face. 

Then we just headed back home for a nice relaxed evening.  Tomorrow is Emily's birthday so we're looking forward to a fun-filled indulgent day (and hoping that the weather improves!)

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