Monday, June 27, 2011

P.E.I.: Day Six

So first off, today was Emily's birthday! Happy birthday to my lovely wife!!! We started off the day with breakfast at the Charlottetown Cora's. We were planning to spend most of the day in Charlottetown, but the weather sucked, which wasn't doing well for the birthday festivities. We haven't had the best of weather since we've been here - mostly just a lot of cloudiness - luckily not much rain, but no warm sun either. So after a few stops we decided to head back to the cottage for lunch.
Ephraim had another epic (for him) nap, and by the time he got up the sun had finally come out! Huzzah! So we decided to head to the Cavendish beach. I have to say that I think the high point of the day, heat wise, in this province is much later than ours back in Ontario. Here it appears to be around 4pm, home it's closer to 2pm. We still went nowhere near the water, but had a mighty good time building sand castles and digging what Ephraim refers to as "toilet tunnels". After that we went to a restaurant in Margate that we'd heard about, Shipwrights. It's pretty awesome to pull up to a place and see a large vegetable garden on one side and a pen full of chickens, ducks, and rabbits on the other side. In a time where sometimes it's hard to know where your food comes from, there was no guessing here. Everything was pretty much made on sight. Emily was a little let down by her meal - she ordered the Vegetarian Lasagna, which advertised garden vegetables, but was mostly just soy-ground-round, I however had what was probably one of the top five meals of my life - a Pesto Scallop Pasta - homemade pesto and amazing homemade pasta - I'm not a big scallop fan, but damn if they didn't taste great.
So after that headed home for a much needed rest and shower (wrestling on the beach with Ephraim got sand e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. And now, as I write the, the rain is pounding down. Go ahead rain! Give it your best. Get it out of your system. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be lovely. We'll take it!

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