Okay. So I haven't posted in a long while. Holidays and whatnot. Got a lot done, writing, visiting, viewing. I'm going to give a little mini review of what I saw over the holidays (not that I write tons and tons here anyway, my personal film journal is much more detailed). So here we go:
1176 - Margot at the Wedding
Liked it despite not liking Baumbach's previous film. Good solid stuff.
1177 - Fur
I meant to watch this years ago, it's been sitting on my shelf. It has this really interesting flow to it, and because I was tired when I saw it, I really think I need to revisit.
1178 - Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Loved this when I first saw it, lost something on it's second viewing. Still has some great stuff in it.
1179 - Juno
Still love it. I think the first act is awkward, but then as soon as Bateman and Garner enters the film is sores. Great flick.
1180 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Pretty to look at. Good premise. Fine performances. Lacks real depth. This film will be forgotten as time passes I believe.
1181 - No Country For Old Men
This film grows on me the more I watch it. Fantastic performances.
1182 - Rachel Getting Married
Despite it's really great performances, this film drove me a little nuts. Really didn't like it all that much. Love Anne Hathaway.
1183 - Yes Man
Once you get over how painfully by-the-numbers it's set-up is, it's a fun film - great middle, weak end. I love love love Zooey Deschanel.